
GKM 系統是專為培訓公司的需求所設計開發的一套全方位的資源管理系統. 本系統已經累積了二十多年培訓相關產業主管及員工的使用經驗, 現在, 提供給所有培訓公司使用.

The GKM system is a comprehensive resource management system designed and developed specifically for training companies. The system has accumulated more than 20 years of experience in training-related industry executives and employees, and is available for use by all training companies in need.

The system integrates the customer relationship management system (CRM) required by business personnel, the course and student management system required by course and student management personnel, the financial interface required by accounting personnel, and the management tools required by marketing personnel, among others. This allows all employees to work more efficiently within the system, and provides executives with real-time and historical analysis and management charts of all business conditions. All colleagues must use their own user login and password to log in, and the system provides the required functions and interfaces based on the user's job position.

Users do not need to install or configure any additional system requirements. They only need to use a computer device that can connect to the Internet and use a basic browser application. The system can be used without the need to install any other software.

The GKM system has an English operating interface and can support multiple languages. The currently supported languages are English and Simplified Chinese. If necessary, translation requests can be made to us, or language dictionary files can be requested for self-translation, which can be installed to add language options.

The GKM system offers a free version for companies to apply, which includes one user account and access to customer management, course scheduling, student management, and basic financial management functions.

Depending on the size of the team or company using the system, the GKM system provides multiple different paid versions. There is a [Studio] version that can open up to three accounts, suitable for small teams; a [Team] version that can open up to 10 accounts, suitable for general teams; a [Professional] version that can open up to 15 accounts, suitable for small companies; a [Business] version that can open up to 20 accounts, suitable for general companies; and a [Cooperate] version that can open up to 25 accounts, suitable for larger companies. If the required number of accounts exceeds 25, companies can contact us, and we can develop a dedicated [Enterprise] version based on their needs. Different versions have different functions in addition to the different number of accounts that can be used.

In addition to providing a desktop browser version, the system also provides a version suitable for use on mobile phones. Moreover, the system can also be developed with specialized functions (Add-ons) according to different company needs to make the system even more useful.

If you need a resource integration management system that is suitable in function, reasonable in price, and can truly help your team or business, we believe you will be very interested in this GKM system. We strongly recommend that you apply for a free trial. If you are interested, please contact us. We will help you open a trial account and assist you in system configuration and adjustment to better meet your needs. This service is completely free.

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Integrating customer and class systems

本系統整合了客戶管理系統(CRM)及卡內基訓練培訓機構所需之課班務與學員管理系統, 讓員工的工作在本系統內更有效率的完成, 也讓主管掌握所有即時狀況.

This system integrates a customer relationship management (CRM) system and a class and student management system that is necessary for a Carnegie training organization, allowing employees to work more efficiently within the system and allowing managers to keep track of all real-time situations.

Online collaborative work

整合了業務, 課班務, 財務人員所需的功能, 採用遠端伺服器架構模式, 只要能連接上網, 即可使用系統功能, 單一系統, 滿足公司所有同事共同使用.

Integrates the functions needed by business, class, and financial personnel, using a front-end server architecture model. As long as it can connect to the internet, it can use the system functions. The single system meets the needs of all colleagues in the company for joint use.

Duty and authority control

以使用者登入帳號管控, 提供不同職務的同事個別所需之功能及介面, 包括個人客戶及企業客戶資料管理, 學員及班務管理, 說明會活動管理, 財務管理等等.

The system is controlled by the user login account, providing individual colleagues with the functions and interfaces they need, including personal and corporate customer data management, student and class management, workshop event management, financial management, etc.

Cloud server service

使用者無需任何額外的系統需要安裝或設定, 只要使用可上網之電腦設備及基本的瀏覽器應用程式, 無須安裝任何其他軟件, 即可使用本系統.

Users do not need to install or set up any additional systems, as long as they use a computer device that can connect to the internet and a basic browser application, without installing any other software, they can use this system.

Support for multiple language interfaces

為了讓本系統能基本採用英文操作介面, 並支援多種語言. 若有需要, 可向我們提出翻譯需求, 或索取語言字典檔案做翻譯, 即可增加語言選項.

In order to make the system primarily use an English interface and support multiple languages, if necessary, you can request translation or request a language dictionary file for translation, which will increase the language options.

Mobile device friendly design

提供行動裝置版本, 讓部分功能可於手機上操作使用. 只要使用手機的瀏覽器App, 方便在沒有電腦的情況下, 仍然可使用本系統所提供的服務及內容.

A mobile device version is provided, allowing some functions to be used on a smartphone. As long as you use the browser App on your phone, you can still use the services and content provided by the system even without a computer.

Real-time analysis charts

提供多項分析數計的圖表, 讓主管提負責同事可即時掌握整個公司或個別同事的工作狀態, 並可與過去的工作成果做比對.

Provides multiple analytical count charts, allowing managers and responsible colleagues to instantly understand the work status of the entire company or individual colleagues, and compare it with past work results.

Integrated database resource management

包括個人客戶及企業客戶資料, 客戶聯繫紀錄, 班級資訊, 學員上課紀錄, 說明會活動及來賓資訊等, 均於資料庫內整合與保存.

Includes personal and corporate customer data, customer contact records, class information, student attendance records, workshop events and guest information, all of which are integrated and saved in the database.

多面向課後滿意度(VOC/NPS) 統計
Multifaceted after-class satisfaction (VOC/NPS) statistics

將課後學員滿意度調查表充分運用, 讓公司取得各種不同的課程的客戶滿意度, 個別講師的學員滿意度, 甚至是個別講師於不同課程類別的學員滿意度.

Fully utilize post-class student satisfaction surveys to obtain customer satisfaction for various courses, individual instructor student satisfaction, and even individual instructor student satisfaction for different course categories.

About Us

MasterMind Co. Ltd, Taiwan.

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