
本系統提供多個方案可供選擇. 收費均以美元計價. 所有方案均可以月或以年付費, 以年付費可享有優惠價格. 註冊完成後即可開始使用.

This system provides multiple options for you to choose from. All charges are in US dollars. All plans can be paid monthly or annually, with discounted prices for annual payment. After registration is complete, you can start using the system.

Recommand for individual & triel usage
Apply Now
  • Including available account number : 1
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM) functions
  • Coueses and students data management functions
  • Campaign Management functions
Recommand for small team Save $126.00
$126.00 / Month
$1,360.00 / Year

  • All features of the Free plan.
  • Including available account number : 3
  • After-class student satisfaction survey statistics. (VOC/NPS)
Recommand for normal team Save $420.00
$420.00 / Month
$4,620.00 / Year

  • All features of the Studio plan.
  • Including available account number : 10
  • Cross-regional cooperative course management
  • Working status statistics functons
  • Multifaceted Usage of After-class student satisfaction survey statistics. (VOC/NPS)
Recommand for small company Save $630.00
$630.00 / Month
$6,900.00 / Year

  • All features of the Team plan.
  • Including available account number : 15
  • Salesperson grouping function.
  • Courses / Campaigns online regist system.
  • Courses / Campaigns QR code sign in system.
Recommand for normal company Save $840.00
$840.00 / Month
$9,240.00 / Year

  • All features of the Professional plan.
  • Including available account number : 20
  • Annual Performance Statistics functions.
Recommand for large company Save $1,260.00
$1,260.00 / Month
$13,860.00 / Year

  • All features of the Business plan.
  • Including available account number : 30
  • Sub-region functions
Recommand for company wirh special requirements
Inquiry Required

  • All features of the Cooperate plan.
  • Including available account number : depend on requirement.
  • Customize functions.